The plot of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis follows Jill Valentine and her escape from Raccoon City. Jill initially travels to the Raccoon City Police Station and after witnessing S.T.A.R.S. member Brad Vickers being brutally murdered by The Umbrella Corporation's latest bio-weapon, code named "Nemesis'', Jill takes shelter in the R.P.D. Jill escapes Nemesis and meets up with the surviving U.B.C.S. team consisting of Carlos Oliveira, Mikhail Victor and Nicholai Ginovaef, who have fortified a broken train carriage as a base of operations. Mikhail however is found to be injured severely leaving only Carlos and Nicholai of any use.
The train requires some key components to be able to be of any use however. Nicholai reluctantly accepts Jills help and they all head out to search for the supplies needed. Throughout Jill's search she will encounter Nicholai in either the gas station or the Management Office, depending on certain choices made by the player. Either way, Nicholai is presumed dead after an attack by zombies or by an explosion. After Jill helps repair the train they begin to travel to the U.B.C.S. evacuation point. Not before Nemesis forces himself aboard the train, however. Mikhail then sacrifices himself with a grenade to try and destroy the Nemesis but at the extra cost of causing the train to crash.
Jill managed to survive the crash and used the Clocktowers dong mechanisms to signal the rescue helicopter, which is soon after shot down by Nemesis. Jill will then have an unavoidable duel against the her stalker, but not before getting infected by the T-Virus courtesy of the Nemesis. Jill will still manage to prevail against the Nemesis with him lumbering off and passing out in a field of flames. Carlos arrives soon after and carry's an unconscious Jill to the Clocktower chapel.
At this point the player takes control of Carlos and must travel to the hospital. Along the way, again determined by certain choices made the player, Carlos will learn of Nicholai's survival and also his true intentions either by another UBCS soldier - who is soon enough blown up by a trap set by Nicholai - or through Nicholai himself. It is revealed that he is one of the ''Supervisors'' and was meant to to observe the UBCS's attempts to fight the BOW's for combat-data. For extra cash, he is now killing off the remaining supervisors to be the sole survivor. After a brief encounter with a now mutated Nemesis, Carlos will of concocted a vaccine and delivers it to Jill to bring her to full health. Carlos then mentions that there is 'something' he has to do and leaves Jill in the chapel alone.
The player then regains control of Jill.
Jill then travels through the Raccoon City park eventually encountering Nemesis once again. Nemesis attacks Jill causing her to flee into the nearby power plant. Jill will meet up with Carlos once more and will be filled in on information regarding the fate of Raccoon City. It has been decided that Raccoon City is to be levelled completely via a missile bombing, regardless of survivors, to try and contain the virus. Both Carlos and Jill opt to split-up and find any means of escaping.
Throughout Jill's travels, she will once again encounter Nicholai. Either outside the dumping facility or piloting the last helicopter, to which he is either killed by the nemesis or by Jill. Another possibility is Nicholai may actually escape the city too. Regardless, Jill will encounter the Nemesis yet again in the waste room. Manipulating the pipes so they spew acid over Nemesis, Jill is able to beat the Nemesis to such an extent that he eventually loses near all of his limbs. Jill then manages to obtain an Umbrella scientist ID card and uses it to make her way to the radio room, to which she will either receive a broadcast from an 'old friend' should Nicholai manage to get to the last helicopter, or will be greeted by Carlos advising Jill to have hope.
Jill will make her way down stumbling into the Rail-Gun room, to which the carcass of the Nemesis will soon fall down from above. After feasting on a deceased stage II T-103, it then mutates further into a large almost squid-like creature. With the use of the Rail-Gun, Jill finally puts an end to the Nemesis. She will then take an elevator to the outside and escape via helicopter, which is piloted either by Barry Burton or Carlos depending on a prior choice made by the player.
Watching as the city faces its destruction, the game ends with Jill determined now more than ever to put an end to Umbrella and make them pay for their crimes.
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